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About Eye Surgery

Is laser eye surgery painful?

There is little if any discomfort during laser eye surgery because the cornea and eye are anesthetized by drops. Some patients experience a "scratchy feeling."

After the anesthetic wears off, the amount of discomfort varies with each individual, but any irritation is minor and usually disappears within a few hours. You may be sensitive to light for a few days.

When will I be able to return to work?

Most people can return to work one to three days following laser eye surgery, but a rule of thumb is to wait until you feel up to it. Most return to normal activities as soon as the day after laser eye surgery.

What are the side effects and risks of laser eye surgery?

The most common side effects are a halo effect and some glare at night around lights.

How long does laser eye surgery take?

Laser treatment itself takes only about 15 to 40 seconds, based on the degree of correction necessary. Recovery is minimal, and usually the patient is able to be driven home after about 30 minutes.

Typically, you will notice improved sight in 3 to 5 days following treatment.

Is the laser eye surgery permanent?

According to the results of the U.S. clinical trials and results reported internationally, laser treatment appears to be permanent.As people age, however, their eyes change and re-treatment may be necessary.

Are there any activity restrictions following laser eye surgery?

Following surgery, do not rub your eyes. Other than that, patients can do whatever they feel up to as long as they follow their doctors' instructions.

What if I move my head during laser eye surgery?

This is the number one question that patients ask when undergoing laser eye surgery. The surgeon is skilled in the technique of removing his foot from the pedal that controls the ultraviolet beam as soon as a patient moves his or her head.

This allows him to realign the beam with the corneal "target" and proceed with the surgery.

Reference for Laser Eye Surgery Article

National Institutes of Health

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